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In-depth, aggressive, competent Southern California Lawyers
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Experienced Guidance on Commercial Property Issues

There are many details that go into determining whether a real estate deal is right. And if a dispute arises in a transaction, enforcing your rights in litigation becomes critical.

At Wagner Zemming Christensen, LLP, in Riverside, we have a wealth of experience helping clients handle all sorts of real estate challenges. We invite you to contact us today to discuss your specific case in a confidential consultation.

Identifying Your Issue and Addressing It Effectively

Negotiation plays a key role in real estate transactions involving your business. Regardless of whether it’s a sale or a lease, it is important to get the best terms you can.

Our attorneys can guide you through the negotiation process, seeking to put a structure in place for you to achieve your goals. Once you’ve agreed upon the terms, we’ll make sure your agreement is well documented and sets you up for success.

There are many issues that we may need to address. For example, a cloud on title may delay a closing. In such a case, we may need to bring a quite title action.

In other cases, there may be a financing issue that needs to be resolved before a project can go forward. There may be escrow arrangements, mortgage security instruments or other matters to be ironed out. Our lawyers have a proven record of handling such issues with professionalism, using our knowledge of commercial real estate to maximum effect.

Asserting Your Rights in Litigation

Sometimes, even with the best of planning, a transaction can go sour. If this happens, our firm has the litigation skills needed to assert your rights and interests forcefully.

Like other business disputes, commercial real estate litigation can get very contentious. We will strongly protect your interests, always with an eye on your overall objectives. In other words, we won’t fight for the sake of fighting. We’ll fight for a solution that serves your bottom line.

Taking Action

To schedule a confidential meeting with one of Wagner Zemming Christensen attorneys, call 951-686-4800. Or, if you prefer, fill out our convenient potential client intake form

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