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How To Respond To A Quiet Title Action

How to Respond to a Quiet Title Action

When a question of ownership over real property arises, someone might pursue a quiet title case. This could resolve disputes about a piece of land, including any buildings or structures on it.

The process for pursuing a quiet title claim requires following multiple steps. If someone filed a case against you to establish that your property is theirs, you have a right to fight back and prove ownership.


What Is a Quiet Title Action?

A quiet title action is a civil lawsuit that can be filed to establish property ownership. Typically, the owner is the person to initiate this type of case. They ask the judge to issue an order to prevent another person from claiming an interest in the property. However, another party could pursue a lawsuit against the owner, preventing them from taking on the responsibility of the property or moving forward with a sale.

How to Respond to a Quiet Title Action

If someone files a quiet title lawsuit against you, there are some steps you will need to take to hold onto your property.

First, you need to convince the judge that the title you possess is superior. That means it shows that you have rights to the property, and no one else can claim it as their own. An example of substantial evidence would be a deed to the property with your name on it.

You should also hire an experienced Riverside real estate lawyer to represent you. You face an uphill battle and need someone with the resources and knowledge to guide you through the complicated legal proceedings.

It’s critical to respond to the claim made against you with your reasoning for pursuing a counterclaim. Your lawyer can draft this on your behalf, so it follows the required format and includes all of the necessary details.

How a Lawyer Could Help

Pursuing a quiet title counterclaim can be time-consuming and overwhelming. If you’re not familiar with state laws or the process you must go through, you could lose your case. It’s best to have a skilled legal team by your side to provide the legal representation and advice you need to achieve your goals.

Your lawyer can take over the responsibility of the matter and complete every step on your behalf. They will discuss the available options and create an appropriate strategy to try to reach your desired outcome.

Contact WZC Law Firm

If someone filed a quiet title action against you, do not hesitate to contact Wagner Zemming Christensen, LLP. We have represented clients with complex real estate cases in California since 2004.

Contact us online for your initial consultation or call us at (951) 686-4800 right now.

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