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The 3 Most Common Types Of Broken Glass Injuries

The 3 Most Common Types of Broken Glass Injuries

Motorists and pedestrians who are involved in car accidents can and do sustain a wide range of injuries, including everything from broken bones and concussions to hearing loss and contusions. Certain types of injuries, including those caused by broken glass, however, are notorious for being especially common, and dangerous, for car accident victims.

Broken glass injuries can be life threatening, result in permanent scarring and disfigurement, and can cause victims to struggle with permanent disability for the rest of their lives. Recovering compensation from the person or entity who caused the injury in the first place is one of the best ways that injured motorists can begin the long road to recovery. To find out more about possible methods of recovery following your own accident, please contact an experienced Riverside car accident attorney who can explain your legal options.

Why Motorists are at Risk of Sustaining Broken Glass Injuries

Even when two vehicles collide at low speeds, the force generated by the impact can have serious consequences for occupants, who could suffer dangerous lacerations if either party’s glass shatters upon impact. The risk of sustaining this type of injury is even higher in more traumatic collisions that occur at high speeds, as even windshields that are specially designed to avoid shattering, do not always hold up in these situations. This is especially true for side and rear windows, which are not designed to withstand the full force of a collision.

Types of Broken Glass Injuries

Unfortunately, passengers are essentially defenseless when it comes to broken glass injuries, which could vary from minor to life threatening. The most common types of broken glass injuries, include:

  • Surface level cuts, which involve penetration of the skin only and so usually require minimal treatment, including stitches;
  • Deep level lacerations, which occur when pieces of glass penetrate deeper than the top layers of skin and lacerate the underlying tissue and muscle fibers; and
  • Severed limbs, which are the most serious type of broken glass injury and occur when a large piece of glass penetrates all the way through a person’s bone, resulting in significant blood loss and potential amputation.

Deep level lacerations and severed limbs require immediate treatment, which could include everything from wound care, stitches, sutures to surgical intervention to repair damaged tissues and muscles and amputation. Lacerations are also notorious for being slow to heal, especially when they are located on certain parts of the body, where reopening is a serious risk. Motorists who sustain these types of injuries must also be on the lookout for infection, which often manifests as swelling or redness at the site of the injury, a high fever, and chills. Fortunately, those who sustain broken glass injuries can recover damages compensating them for their financial losses, such as medical bills, rehabilitation costs, and wage loss, as well as non-economic damages like pain and suffering.

Contact an Experienced Riverside, CA Car Accident Lawyer for Help

If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident, you could be entitled to compensation for your losses. Please call the dedicated car accident attorneys at Wagner Zemming Christensen today to learn more about filing your own claim. We can be reached at 951-686-4800 or via online message.

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